
Self Managed Super Funds

Looking to set up and manage your own super fund? A great idea indeed! Why let some faceless organisation control the outcome of your superfund when you can.

Not sure where to begin?

Berwick Tax can help set up your self-managed super funds in Berwick. We can prepare the required paperwork and adhere to all the reporting and compliance obligations and manage your SMSF flawlessly.

Quick setup

We can help set up your super fund in less than a week including in the price of set-up all statutory requirements including the statement of advice to ensure it is right for you. Fill out contact form now to get started.


Every self-managed super fund is required to prepare financial accounts, carry out audits and file a tax return. We can seamlessly handle these tasks for you.

Expert Advice

A self-managed super fund can invest in property, bank deposits, equities as well as other asset classes. We can provide the right advice to help you make the most of your self-managed super funds in Berwick.

Take charge of your super fund with our self-managed super funds services in Berwick.

Berwick Taxation Services Pty Ltd (ASIC No. 1234592)  ABN 82 412 1 70027  is a Corporate Authorised Representative of GPS Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 17 005 482 726, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 254 544.    Mark Marshall (ASIC No. 1233273) and Kayleen Redman (ASIC No. 1234600) are Limited Authorised Representatives of GPS Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 17 005 482 726, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 254 544. | Privacy Policy | FSG

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