
Business Tax Return Checklist

Business Tax Return Checklist
Written by digitaldev

Berwick Tax will need you to send/bring information to assist us in preparing your Business Tax return. Please check the following and bring along payment summaries, statements, accounts, receipts etc to help us prepare the return.

New Clients – a copy of prior year return and financials

Backup of Data File please make note of the following:

  • Software package (e.g. MYOB, Quickbooks) Version (e.g. Premier v17.6) and Password.
  • Please ensure that bank accounts in the datafile are reconciled to bank statements.
  • Copies of all bank statements indicating opening & closing balance for the financial year.
  • Copies of all BAS statements for the financial year


  • C Stocktake details as at 30 June where applicable
  • Details of Capital Gains Tax assets (e.g. stock, shares and real estate) sold, including dates of, and costs associated with, acquisition and disposal (including settlement statements and Sale/purchase agreements.
  • Dividends, including details of franking credits.
  • Income from foreign sources, including details or foreign taxes paid.


  • Bad debts actually are written off during the year
  • Gifts or donations of $2 and over to deductible entities
  • Legal expenses
  • Lease documents for motor vehicles, premises and equipment
  • Car expenses (remember to include petrol, repairs and parking and maintain a log book where necessary)
  • Odometer reading of all vehicles at the 31st March 2005.


  • New loans that were taken out during the year and their purpose; including any new lease or hire purchase agreements.
  • Statements from the lending authority detailing the opening and closing balances of existing loans during the financial year.
  • Creditors listing as at 30th June.


  • Details of loan accounts to directors, shareholders, beneficiaries and partners.
  • Debtors listing (including a list of bad debts written off) as at 30111 June. NB in order to claim a deduction, the debt must be written off on or before 30th June. 
  • Details of depreciable assets acquired and/or disposed of during this income year including:
  • Type of asset, Date of acquisition, Consideration received/


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